Sunday, October 5, 2008



Here are some pictures of our recent updates. To see more you can go to our Shutterfly website.
Ethan and Sasha

Bubble Mania
Our association had a bubble day. These pictures are from that day and also include the boys enjoying themselves in the lagoon.

Picture Day
The boys were dressed to have pictures taken at school.

It's Been a While

Hi Everyone,

Sad to say but it has been a while since I last wrote on the blog. There has been too much going on with, family's been a while since I had any time to myself.

Hummm....I have to think back until the last post to list all that has happened. There is always things happening when you have kids. Since the last posting my boys have learned to ride their bikes. Neither one of them could peddle and then one day the just started. It was pretty cool to watch.

Ethan just doesn't leave poor Sasha alone. He searches her out so he can sit on her, lie on her, pet her, poke her...the list goes on. Good thing is that she is a good sport and lets him do what he wants.

We took the boys to go and watch Igor. They both enjoyed it. I taught Shawn how to use scissors and he did a good job. Ethan is speaking more and more everyday, he doesn't want me to help him with anything now and wants to do it all himself.

And in other news, my cousin Nova had her baby girl, Anita had her baby shower and is due any day now, I finally got to meet Lee's man at her going away party, I just got back from a business trip in Vancouver...of course things went wrong in my presentation...oh and I finally went shopping and bought myself a nice outfit. It's been too long since I last got myself something.

Well...I need to be better at keeping up on the updates. So will be back soon with more updates...hopefully :).

Friday, August 15, 2008

"The Water Horse"

Our association has a lot of fun family activities that they plan. Well, this Friday there was "Movies at the Park". We showed up at 7 pm and got a spot at the park. Shawn and Ethan went looking around and playing in the park area. Shawn got his face painted as a pirate and then the balloon artist made him a parrot and sword to look more like a pirate.

Before the event there was music, kids playing, and an ice cream van. So, when a song that Shawn liked came on he decided he wanted to dance. Unfortunately, we missed most of his butt dance by the time we got the camera ready.

We didn't stay for the whole movie but we still had a nice time at the event. Additional pictures are on our Shutterfly site.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Discovery Zone

We took the boys to the Discovery Zone today as there was the Bob the Builder exhibit. Shawn seemed to really enjoy himself and so did Ethan. Except Ethan was a busy body as always. I had to watch him closely as he felt the need to throw balls at people. He picked up a toy onion and threw it. Lucky for us the guy he almost hit had quick reflexes and caught the onion. A Kodak moment that I missed. After that, I handed him over to his dad and watched Shawn instead.

Both boys had a good time looking at the dinosaur exhibit. We followed the boys into a cave area where there was a T-Rex on a screen. At one point the T-Rex roars and Ethan quickly pushes past his dad and me shouting "It's going to bite me, it's going to bite me". We've posted the video for you to see it.

The day, of course, didn't end there. We stopped off at the park for a little while. Again, Shawn was well behaved and Ethan felt the need to do things he wasn't supposed to. He decided to put a small stone in his mouth and had a fit when I tried to take it out. Still mad, he tossed sand which ended up in his own eye.

The good thing is the day ended well. Ethan ate his dinner and even had some of my fish. Some jumping on the bed and singing silly rhymes later they went to sleep.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

This is what happens when you leave 2 boys alone for a couple of minutes while trying to cook dinner. They find a way to entertain themselves. I think the pictures speak for themselves. Material used: Destin overnight cream and Crest kids toothpaste. See our Shutterfly album for additional pictures.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Day at the Tumble Center

We enrolled the boys in The Tumble Center to help them burn off some of their excess energy. This last Saturday was not so busy at the center so I took some pictures and videos of the boys for you guys to see. There are additional videos on my You Tube channel.

Friday, August 1, 2008

My Birthday

Yes, it is my birthday. I got these beautiful flowers from my wonderful husband so I had to post them on the blog. My sister came to watch the boys so Greg could take me to dinner. We went to Orange Hills Restaurant.

We met and chatted with another couple while enjoying the spectacular view. It was a lovely day.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


There was a cool spider web on one of our bushes. When we looked closer we saw the spider had caught a fly and was spinning his web over the fly. So...naturally, we had to take a picture.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Ethan's Birthday Follow Up

Here are some pictures and video from Ethan's birthday party that I was supposed to upload a week ago. Have to be better about getting these things up sooner.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Today Ethan is two. Wow...he is growing up fast. He already received two calls from special people. Early this morning, around 6:15am his Aunty Vanch and Grandma Ruth called to wish him a Happy Birthday all the way from Belize. He was still asleep so he didn't get to talk to them. The rest of the Burke family from Belize also sent their well wishes for the birthday boy.

Then around 6:30 am Aunty Harmeet and Uncle Garrett called. Ethan was up at this time and so he took the call. Not sure what they said to him. All I hear from Ethan is a laugh and "you funny". I will take some pictures of the little guy and post them soon.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Boys are Growing

Today is Ethan's last day as a one-year-old. I cannot believe that he will be two tomorrow. How time just flies by. Today was also the first day that Ethan stood up to pee in the himself. I think he learned it by watching Shawn. He likes to be like his big brother Shawn so he copies a lot of what Shawn does. Ethan is also talking more. He makes actual sentences. For example....he will say "Mommy, eat ice-cream", or "Mommy, Sasha eat my sausage...bad doggy". He also likes to read his books. The one thing that has been happening is that both boys are fighting for my attention. So when Shawn wants me to play with him, Ethan will come by and say "Mommy, play with me".

These last few months have been tiring, but so much fun with the boys constantly learning something new. Shawn has an impeccable memory so we have to be careful about what we tell him as he WILL remember. It has also been nice seeing the boys getting closer. They interact more but, of course, will fight more too. Ethan is currently going through the fussy phase, or what some call the "terrible twos". Shawn went through it too but not nearly as bad. Oh...Shawn is getting better at sharing. These last few weeks we have seen progress in this area.

The boys are sleeping now. So with this I say goodnight.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fun with Aunty

Yesterday was a fun day for the boys...well...the family. We went over to their Aunty Harmeet and Uncle Garretts place. They started the day with breakfast and then rode their tricycles....Batman for Shawn and Ironman for Ethan. They went down in the badminton court area and then headed back up to play ball. It was getting so hot that Ethan was sweating. So we headed indoors for lunch. The boys were watching the "Incredibles" waiting for Uncle Garrett to come home because that meant they could go into the pool. They hung out in the spa and when dad showed up, it was time to go in. But the boys had more fun in the actual pool. Shawn did not want to leave. In fact when he woke up from his nap in the car he was asking to go back to see his Aunty. He said he had the most fun in the big pool.

So over all was a good day. I was very proud of both of them as they were so well behaved. well as a 3 and 2 year-old can be. They are both playing as I write this post. They are chasing each other on their bikes around the table. I think I will go an join them. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy July 4th

We just wanted to wish everyone a happy, safe, and fun July 4th. Our association has a fireworks show planned so we may end up going there. But we haven't decided for sure yet. Whatever we do we will do as a family so in that regards we will have fun.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Not Much Happening.


There hasn't been too much going on here over the last few weeks. June is usually a busy month with birthday's, graduations, and Fathers Day. My cousin Jusleen graduated from High School so I wanted to go and see her. Then Ilene's daughter and son graduated, so we went to see them too. The boys came with me as the celebration was on the weekend. But as they are small and restless, our visit was short.

In closing I thought I would add in some recent pictures of Ethan. I don't have any of him in a suit so I just took some.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Happy 33rd Birthday Greg. Unfortunately, due to my busy schedule with work and the kids I wasn't able to get him anything for this birthday...not even a card. We did get him a Wii for his birthday but he got it early...It's just that he didn't get anything ON his special day. But he was cool about it as long as we spent the day with him as a family.

We went to my company's picnic at Knotts Berry Farm today. The boys were quick to make friends with my co-workers kids. Today, Shawn actually went on a couple of rides all by himself. We left early as it was too hot. When we got home, Ethan and I went to pick up some supplies. It was nice because I don't get too much alone time with Ethan. We took our time and had a pleasant time together.

So while I am writing this, the two boys are asleep with their large stuffed Snoopy...and Greg's day is coming to end. Oh wait....tomorrow is Father's day. So he gets another day...but...I haven't gotten him anything for tomorrow either. I am going to have to think of a way to make it up for him.

Hope all of you have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

About Ethan

Well, today will be just a short note...about Ethan. It was his first official time using the potty which is a big deal for me. He has tried to use it before but more so because Shawn goes. Today, however, was just a little different. As you can imagine I was very excited about the whole thing. You'd think that I would be used to this by now but it was a new event for my little guy.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

At the Movies

Today was more of a relaxing day. We did plan on going to get a family pictures done but Shawn had a little cold. So we cut the plan short and just stuck with going to the movies. We went to see "Kung Fu Panda" on the IMAX at the Spectrum. Although this wasn't the first time Shawn had seen a movie at the theater, it was Ethan's first time. Ethan, surprisingly, was very long as there was food in his mouth. After he was full, he fussed quietly and then went to sleep. Shawn forgot he was not feeling well and sat through the whole movie. He really enjoyed it.

The evening was just the norm, with Ethan NOT sitting still and being....well...himself. When it came to get them ready for bed, they both wrestled with me for about 45 mins after their bath. I was hoping that would tire them out but I was wrong. Unfortunately the boys don't want to sleep when I am around. And like every day, Greg had to come and get them to go to sleep.

Until the next posting, have a great week.

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Carnival

Today was the carnival held at the boys school. Shawn was in a talent show. Although I had charged the video camera the night before, I guess I must have inadvertently left it on because the battery was dead. So, I was using both Greg's and my cell phone to record the show.

Shawn saw me sitting up front but was still nervous. Turns out he was waiting to see his dad. When he caught a glimpse of his dad, he did a 180 and was all into singing and participating. We were proud of him.

Ethan will have to wait until next year to participate. He did enjoy some cotton candy and shaved ice.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Birthday Party

Today we had a party for Shawn and Ethan at their school. Although Ethan's birthday is not until July 11th, we thought it would be fun if we celebrated them together. We had Reptiles for Parties entertain the kids. The reptile handler, Josh, was great with the kids. They all seemed to enjoy the different bugs, insects and reptiles.

Shawn was a little cautious in the beginning, however, little adventurous Ethan dove right in. He was ready to hold whatever the handler showed. It didn't take long before Shawn finally warmed up.

Check out the pictures and videos by clicking the links.

Overall, I think today was a great day. What better way to end the day than Shawn coming home to play with his Batman car and Ethan playing with his Lightening McQueen car. Of course we had to share the day with Grandpa, who was also happy to hear about the party.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Cake

Here is a pic of the birthday cake. It is a cupcake cake which will work out great for tomorrows birthday party for the boys at school.


Today is Shawn's birthday. He turned 3. I cannot believe how quickly times flies. He was only 5lb 8oz when he was born and couldn't even fit in the preemie clothes. Today he is walking, talking...basically he is such a big boy. He is a great big brother, always watching out for his little brother.

He was feeling a little shy about his birthday this morning. He has been waiting for it for the last couple of weeks and then today got all shy. His Aunty Harmeet and Uncle Garrett were the first ones to call and wish him a happy birthday....around 7:30 am. At first he wouldn't talk to them either but after Ethan said hi, he asked to speak with them and got all excited when they sang to him. I could see his smile.

Unfortunately due to the birthday party and school carnival prep we were unable to go over to see Aunty and Uncle. He also heard from both grandfathers. And he even got an long distance call from England...although he wasn't in the mood to talk at that time.

I shall be posting pictures of the party and carnival for you guys to see.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Hi everyone,

I've been trying to find a place to put updates of the family and especially the kids for everyone to see. With the boys being so young they are constantly changing and doing new fun stuff. Not all family and friends have Facebook or MySpace accounts, so I hope this will work for those individuals to see what is going on with the guys.

On Saturday we all went to SeaWorld. It was the first time for Gregory, Shawn, Ethan, and Garrett. Harmeet and Garrett joined us which ended up being lots of fun for the little ones. We were taking the boys for their birthday's as they're just around the corner.

We didn't spend too much time at the park but the boys had a great time and were talking about it the rest of the night. Both guys were on their best behavior. Ethan did have the occasional tantrum but nothing serious. Shawn was great. He used the bathroom like a big boy and had NO accidents. He was so proud of himself....and so were we.

Year-to-date Update

As I started late in the year with this blog, I thought I would just give a brief update of what has been going on with us. I know that there are a lot of pics and videos but it's just to catch up for the past few month. Sit back and hopefully you will enjoy the boys doing there everyday antics.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pony Pictures

Shawn's school had a pony day where the kids got to take their pictures on the pony. Unfortunately poor Ethan's class was too little to partake in the activities. But here are Shawn's pics. Yes, I am biased as I think they came out nice. Some of you have more than likely already seen these.

Ethan's Dance


The family took a trip to Barcelona, Spain around late February early March. It was a business trip for me but the boys joined me. It was the first time for the little guys on a plane which I think they enjoyed. Considering their age and the long airplane trip, they did really well on the plane. We tried to go sightseeing everyday. Check out our family pictures.

See the video to see how the boys burned off their energy.