Thursday, May 29, 2008


Hi everyone,

I've been trying to find a place to put updates of the family and especially the kids for everyone to see. With the boys being so young they are constantly changing and doing new fun stuff. Not all family and friends have Facebook or MySpace accounts, so I hope this will work for those individuals to see what is going on with the guys.

On Saturday we all went to SeaWorld. It was the first time for Gregory, Shawn, Ethan, and Garrett. Harmeet and Garrett joined us which ended up being lots of fun for the little ones. We were taking the boys for their birthday's as they're just around the corner.

We didn't spend too much time at the park but the boys had a great time and were talking about it the rest of the night. Both guys were on their best behavior. Ethan did have the occasional tantrum but nothing serious. Shawn was great. He used the bathroom like a big boy and had NO accidents. He was so proud of himself....and so were we.

1 comment:

Björg said...

Welcome to blogspot! :) Hope you enjoy it.