Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Need Reminding....

Aughhhhh......I need some help reminding me that although things are bad they could be worse. However, that doesn't stop me from thinking....just once I would like things to go right the first time. I am tired of making all the phone calls to get things right, taking long lunches to fix things all the while trying to get things back to normal. I'd just like one day for me not to think.

Hummmmm....done venting. Okay, things could be worse. I just peeked in on the boys sleeping so soundly with not a care in the world. To my guys I am a beautiful good now I am back to smiling.


Unknown said...

hang in there. You are right - it could be a lot worse. Besides, isn't having a challenge part of the fun (Not!)

Anonymous said...

I am sending good vibes and warm weather your way Muneet!! I hope things start to settle down more for you guys. I know, sometimes these times are just so difficult, but, it's true just hang in there, and it will get better! Go ahead and vent, nothing like a good vent to release some of that stress. :)
