Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Last 3 Months

Wow....I just checked the date of my last post. It definitely has been too long. Well, by now, most of you know that the family has relocated to New Jersey. Life is busy for the family, but we are trying to settle down. In the mean time, I will break up the last 3 months so you guys will not have to read a really long update.

October 2008

October, of course, is Halloween. Shawn had already been playing on the computer at this time. He had learned to use the mouse on the laptop and was playing games on the Sesame Street web page. So, whenever he has been really good he gets to play for a little while. Both boys picked out their own Halloween costumes. Shawn wanted to be Superman and Ethan was the Hulk. Of course Ethan took being the "Hulk" too serious and would go around saying "Hulk SMASH!!!!" anytime he thought he had become the hulk. I'll be posting some of the video footage on our You Tube site. In the meantime here are some pictures of the boys. Shawn is really skinny and tall so the costume did not fit him right. Ethan's outfit didn't come in his size. So believe it or not I had to use my handy tailoring skills to make the outfits fit. Yes....I actually know how to fix things.

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