Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Farewells

December 08

December was the month that was very busy for the whole family. Last year I had sent out a Newsletter in the place of Christmas (Seasons Greetings) Cards. This year was so busy the Newsletter didn't even go out as we didn't have time to do much. It was during this month that we announced our leaving California for New Jersey. I started my new job December 15th, which meant I didn't have much time to say my Goodbyes to everyone. During the first couple of weeks I was able to meet with several friends and colleagues who mean a great deal to me. For the other friends I wanted to meet up with but I was unable to, I am truly sorry. I was planning on meeting up with the rest when I returned from New Jersey for the Christmas Holiday but, as Murphy's Law goes, unexpected more pressing things that effected our move came up. One thing was a gas leak at our home in California which we were able to get taken care of at the last minute during the holidays. What a relief that was.

Here are some pictures of brunch with Brooke, Jennifer, Lori, and Chase. Although, not a drinker, we had to toast to Lee for her birthday. Lee wasn't able to join us as she, too, had a really big move...all the way to England. I was able to meet up with my old Allergan friends/colleagues too. I shall be putting up those pictures later. It was my first time meeting Bayda's beautiful baby girl.

We had to coordinate Greg flying out for an interview before my leaving for my first day at work. My sister, who was a great help through our troublesome month, offered to watch the boys should things not work out for us. Lucky for her Greg was back a day before I left. I started my new job and left Greg with the kids. I have to say he did a great job trying to deal with everything. Greg, while taking care of 2 young boys, was also trying to make sure all the right stuff got packed up, the carpet got replaced etc. He had a lot to do and did a great job I might add. My sister was also extremely helpful and we couldn't have done a lot without her help. Murphy's Law...the packers packed stuff that was meant to stay and left stuff that was supposed to go, but all things considered I am surprised as how smoothly it went.

November 08

November was a good month. We celebrated Matthew's First Birthday. The last time I had seen Jessica was probably 4-5 years ago. It was nice to see her and Mary. We were missing LaShon otherwise it was our old Sizzler team.

The boys got to wear their Halloween costumes again to the party which they liked. Ethan, once again, took his Hulk a little too seriously and pushed Shawn who fell in the mud. Those of you who know Shawn.....he hates (and I mean hates) being dirty. He was quite upset that his Superman outfit had mud on it. See our Shutterfly page for pictures. You'll see that Shawn was so upset that getting his face painted did not help.

Thanksgiving was nice and quite. The family spent it together. I was up early the next day for my traditional Black Friday shopping. I wasn't convincing enough for my sister to join me. By the time the boys had had their breakfast I was done.

The Last 3 Months

Wow....I just checked the date of my last post. It definitely has been too long. Well, by now, most of you know that the family has relocated to New Jersey. Life is busy for the family, but we are trying to settle down. In the mean time, I will break up the last 3 months so you guys will not have to read a really long update.

October 2008

October, of course, is Halloween. Shawn had already been playing on the computer at this time. He had learned to use the mouse on the laptop and was playing games on the Sesame Street web page. So, whenever he has been really good he gets to play for a little while. Both boys picked out their own Halloween costumes. Shawn wanted to be Superman and Ethan was the Hulk. Of course Ethan took being the "Hulk" too serious and would go around saying "Hulk SMASH!!!!" anytime he thought he had become the hulk. I'll be posting some of the video footage on our You Tube site. In the meantime here are some pictures of the boys. Shawn is really skinny and tall so the costume did not fit him right. Ethan's outfit didn't come in his size. So believe it or not I had to use my handy tailoring skills to make the outfits fit. Yes....I actually know how to fix things.