Friday, August 15, 2008

"The Water Horse"

Our association has a lot of fun family activities that they plan. Well, this Friday there was "Movies at the Park". We showed up at 7 pm and got a spot at the park. Shawn and Ethan went looking around and playing in the park area. Shawn got his face painted as a pirate and then the balloon artist made him a parrot and sword to look more like a pirate.

Before the event there was music, kids playing, and an ice cream van. So, when a song that Shawn liked came on he decided he wanted to dance. Unfortunately, we missed most of his butt dance by the time we got the camera ready.

We didn't stay for the whole movie but we still had a nice time at the event. Additional pictures are on our Shutterfly site.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Discovery Zone

We took the boys to the Discovery Zone today as there was the Bob the Builder exhibit. Shawn seemed to really enjoy himself and so did Ethan. Except Ethan was a busy body as always. I had to watch him closely as he felt the need to throw balls at people. He picked up a toy onion and threw it. Lucky for us the guy he almost hit had quick reflexes and caught the onion. A Kodak moment that I missed. After that, I handed him over to his dad and watched Shawn instead.

Both boys had a good time looking at the dinosaur exhibit. We followed the boys into a cave area where there was a T-Rex on a screen. At one point the T-Rex roars and Ethan quickly pushes past his dad and me shouting "It's going to bite me, it's going to bite me". We've posted the video for you to see it.

The day, of course, didn't end there. We stopped off at the park for a little while. Again, Shawn was well behaved and Ethan felt the need to do things he wasn't supposed to. He decided to put a small stone in his mouth and had a fit when I tried to take it out. Still mad, he tossed sand which ended up in his own eye.

The good thing is the day ended well. Ethan ate his dinner and even had some of my fish. Some jumping on the bed and singing silly rhymes later they went to sleep.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

This is what happens when you leave 2 boys alone for a couple of minutes while trying to cook dinner. They find a way to entertain themselves. I think the pictures speak for themselves. Material used: Destin overnight cream and Crest kids toothpaste. See our Shutterfly album for additional pictures.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Day at the Tumble Center

We enrolled the boys in The Tumble Center to help them burn off some of their excess energy. This last Saturday was not so busy at the center so I took some pictures and videos of the boys for you guys to see. There are additional videos on my You Tube channel.

Friday, August 1, 2008

My Birthday

Yes, it is my birthday. I got these beautiful flowers from my wonderful husband so I had to post them on the blog. My sister came to watch the boys so Greg could take me to dinner. We went to Orange Hills Restaurant.

We met and chatted with another couple while enjoying the spectacular view. It was a lovely day.