Sunday, September 26, 2010

September Update

September is nearing an end. This has been a busy month as Shawn started Kindergarten. He got to ride on a school bus, which he was super excited about. We've been trying to get out and about more. This month we went to Franklin Mines which is a place you go to collect rocks. It doesn't sound so interesting, I know, but Ethan loves to collect rocks. So he had a blast collecting rocks to his hearts desires.

Shawn has been doing good in school. He's growing so quick. It's nice to see how he is very good with Ethan and teaches him about sharing.

Shawn's waiting for the bus with his friends

Shawn's can't wait to get on the bus for his first day in Kindergarten

At Franklin Mines....Ethan loves his rocks

Helping the boys find rocks

Playing nicely together :)

Promised Pictures

Here are some of the pictures I promised to post. The rest are on the shutterfly site.

Shawn's Graduation

Ethan's Birthday

During our July visit to CA

Our trip to Hershey's Park and the Gardens

Patterson Falls Outing