Sunday, September 26, 2010

September Update

September is nearing an end. This has been a busy month as Shawn started Kindergarten. He got to ride on a school bus, which he was super excited about. We've been trying to get out and about more. This month we went to Franklin Mines which is a place you go to collect rocks. It doesn't sound so interesting, I know, but Ethan loves to collect rocks. So he had a blast collecting rocks to his hearts desires.

Shawn has been doing good in school. He's growing so quick. It's nice to see how he is very good with Ethan and teaches him about sharing.

Shawn's waiting for the bus with his friends

Shawn's can't wait to get on the bus for his first day in Kindergarten

At Franklin Mines....Ethan loves his rocks

Helping the boys find rocks

Playing nicely together :)

Promised Pictures

Here are some of the pictures I promised to post. The rest are on the shutterfly site.

Shawn's Graduation

Ethan's Birthday

During our July visit to CA

Our trip to Hershey's Park and the Gardens

Patterson Falls Outing

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Months June to August

Wow...the last time I posted on the blog was in May. I have to say the last 3 months have been trying with both good and very sad events. I will sum up what I can.

June - This month marked multiple celebrations. First there was Shawn's birthday. We had a party for him at the children's gym. Both boys started a new school. Later that month he graduated from pre-k and got to wear a cap and gown. Greg and my brother both had birthday's and, of course, father's day. This was a busy month.

July - Ethan turned 4 this month. We made a trip back to California early. Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to grandpa (my dad). My sister had a special birthday but was not able to celebrate as our dad was no longer with us. So needless to say it was a hard month. My cousin, unfortunately also lost her father this month.

August - My birthday was this month but I wasn't in the mood to celebrate. This month was better as we had good things happen. Like the birth of my cousin's twins. I know he was extremely happy. The wedding of my beautiful cousin, unfortunately I missed the wedding.

I will post pictures of these events later.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring is Here

We went to a health fair type of event on Saturday and met Jim Leonhard from the Jets. We hung out, played at the park, rode horses, Shawn did some rock climbing (first attempt), went home and enjoyed the lovely spring weather. We finished off the day with bubble blowing and playing with chalk. I thought it would be nice to have a family pic and an individual pic of us all. We haven't had this nice months.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Shawn's Orientation

Hope you guys enjoy the short video I put together of Shawn's Kindergarten orientation. His teacher told Greg how Shawn is very talkative. Am I surprised???? No :).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ethan's Loves His Dogs

He loves his dogs so much that he had to christen Sasha's bed by being the first on to lie in it. From the pictures you can see that Sasha wasn't too thrilled. She is licking him to tell him to get out.

Enjoying Spring

The weather is finally starting to warm up. Everything is looking green...the trees and flowers are blooming so things don't look so bare anymore. Great weather leads to happy beings. Here are some pics of my girls. I don't put too many of them up normally.